We Need Your Help
Wills and Trusts
Many have helped us through the years via their estate. Without these very generous donors this work might have ceased long ago. Many are surprised at how much wealth they have accumulated in a lifetime. In addition to providing for the needs of surviving family members, it is possible to continue to exert influence for good in this life by means of a gift to sustain those working in God’s kingdom. We are prepared to meet with you personally about our work. To make arrangements for a visit with a personal representative of the Florida School of Preaching, please contact us via the information provided in this brochure. If you have questions about a will or trust, we would be happy to put you in contact with brother Chad Tagtow. Chad is the senior vice-president and chief information officer of Citizens Bank & Trust. He is on the Board of Directors of the Florida School of Preaching and also serves as the School’s treasurer. He is a faithful member of the Lord’s church, serving as a deacon for the Orange Street church of Christ in Auburndale, Florida.
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