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Introducing the Florida School of Preaching
How Preachers Are Made
The Florida School of Preaching began as the result of the vision of a few faithful brethren. B.C. Carr, who was then preaching for what would later become the South Florida Avenue church of Christ, was challenged by brother B.C. Goodpasture to consider starting a school of preaching in Lakeland, Florida. Largely due to the direction that Florida Christian College took over the church cooperation issues, a great need arose in Florida for training Scripturally balanced preachers. About that time, G.K. Wallace retired from Freed-Hardeman University and moved to central Florida. He also encouraged brother Carr to start a preaching school. The South Florida Avenue eldership agreed to allow the School to use the congregation's facilities with brother Carr as the director. The foresight of these men made the School possible, and in September 1969, it began its first semester of operation. The Florida School of Preaching owes much to the South Florida Avenue church, not only for her role in starting the School but for her consistent support through the years.
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