Between the Testaments (220) This course examines the approximately four hundred year history between Malachi and John the Baptist. Special emphasis will be given to elements of that time period that fulfilled prophetic prediction, that aid in understanding the synagogue and political situation in first central Israel, and that helps to better appreciate the “fullness of time” (Gal. 4:4).
Book of Acts (118) This is sometimes taught in conjunction with the Life of Christ 117. The Acts of the
Apostles will be the text. Together these give a comprehensive view of the life of Jesus and history of the early church.
Christian Evidences (244) This class is designed to prove that Christianity is the one true religion approved by God. It will be shown that man can arrive at truth, that he can know that God exists, that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God. The class will be designed to answer objections to the above affirmation, to point out religious error, to defend the faith, and above all to strengthen the faith of all.
Church History – General (241) The purpose of this course is to give a general summary of the history of the church to modern times. This semester will deal with the decline of the Medieval church, the Conciliar period, the Renaissance, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation and the rise of modern denominationalism.
Church History – Restoration (242) This study will focus on the Restoration Movement of the late 18th through 20th centuries. Principles resulting in a restored New Testament church are emphasized.
Computers and Churches (290) This class is designed to acquaint preachers and churches with the potential provided them by computers. This class will give word processing instruction and emphasize the use of the Logos Bible software.
Denominational Dogmas (131) This is a study of the religious doctrines being taught by the denominations in “Christendom.” The goal is to compare these with the teaching of the Bible so that the students may better understand the denominational world.
English Grammar (124) This is a course in the basics of English. The English sentence is to be studied in all its parts. Accurate sentence structure will be stressed. Special emphasis will be given to areas where most grammatical errors occur.
English Composition (125) This will be a continuation of English 124, with emphasis given on writing research papers.
Eschatology (276) This is an examination of the doctrine of last things. Such items as the rapture, man of sin and antichrist, the great tribulation, and the millennium will be studied.
Ethics (285) This study has to do with the Christian’s Biblical base for behavior as he faces contemporary issues in the world. Great emphasis will be placed upon the fact that without the Bible there is no objective or authoritative basis for moral and value judgments.
Ezekiel and Daniel (214) Special studies of these books are made with special emphasis on the text and the historical setting of the prophets. Special attention will be given to these in view of the many false claims made by some interpreters.
First and Second Corinthians (135) A textual study is made of these two letters. The purpose is to see how principles were applied to the problems of this church that we might be better able to resolve problems in the church today.
First and Second Thessalonians and Galatians (137) This class will be a textual study of these three epistles of Paul. From the Thessalonians epistles, emphasis will be given to mistaken ideas versus the truth about the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time. From Galatians, emphasis will be upon the difference between Christianity and Paul’s true apostleship versus the Law of Moses and the Judaizer’s claims about Paul.
First and Second Timothy and Titus (238) A textual study of these letters will be made with a desire to understand better the role of a preacher.
General Epistles (249) The books of James, First and Second Peter, First, Second, and Third John, and Jude will be studied.
Genesis (101) This will be a textual study of this profound book of beginnings. This study will include emphasis on creation and Christian evidences along with detail on the lives of the major patriarchs.
Gospel of John (227) The Gospel of John will be studied from the text of the Bible. The peculiar approach made in this book will be noted as it differs from the first three books of the life of Christ.
Greek I (222) This will be an introductory course in the Greek of the New Testament. Time will be spent in vocabulary drills and elementary syntax.
Greek II (223) This is a continuation of course 222 that will include a study of forms and the ability to read and translate certain passages. It will be a valuable course for any who study the New Testament in depth. Prerequisite: Greek I.
Hebrews (210) This class will be a textual study of this monumental epistle, with special attention given to the author’s emphasis of how the new covenant is so much superior to the old covenant.
Hermeneutics (100) This deals with the science of interpretation, especially the figurative language found in the Bible. This course is of great value in showing how better to study the Bible.
Holy Spirit (250) A study will be made of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, the prophecy concerning His work in the New Testament and its fulfillment. Current positions relative to the Holy Spirit will be examined.
Isaiah and Jeremiah (113) This will be a study of these Old Testament books. Special attention will be given to the times and conditions of God’s people during this period.
Life of Christ (117) This is a study of the Gospels. Attention is given to a harmony of the Gospels and a chronological arrangement of the events in the life of Christ. Special attention into the moral and doctrinal teachings of Christ.
Life of Paul (262) Paul, that universal person, commissioned with the universal gospel—what blessings await the diligent study of the life of this great apostle. Paul, born of Jewish parents and a Roman citizen; reared in the culture of the Greek and in the most strict sect of first century Judaism—Paul, more than any other first century person, represents what Christian fidelity demands. To understand the life of Paul is to understand Christianity, and this will be the goal of this study.
Logic (270) Basic principles of deductive and inductive logic will be studied. An effort will be made to help the student make proper application of the scriptures to life.
Marriage and the Family (254) This is a study of what constitutes scriptural marriage and the problems that break up the home. In this course study will be made of current problems that now threaten the family.
Minor Prophets (246) This will be a survey course of the minor prophets. The chief contribution of each will be sought that practical applications may be made.
Old Testament History (239) The books from Joshua through Second Kings will be studied, with the aim being to familiarize the student with the history of Israel from the point of the conquest of Canaan through the reign of the kings and the period of captivity.
Pentateuch (164) A careful overview is given of the Pentateuch, calling attention to principles that present-day lessons may be learned.
Personal Evangelism (120) This is a practical study of various techniques in doing personal evangelism. Time will be spent in learning basic facts to be presented and the best methods for given situations. Practice sessions will be conducted from time to time.
Preacher and His Work (107) This semester more time will be given to daily work of the local preacher. Attention will be given to the local congregation and the special problems that face the preacher in that setting.
Preparation and Delivery of Sermons (203) This study is sometimes called “homiletics.” Sermon outlining will be studied. Effective presentation of various types of sermons will be studied and practiced. The basic speech course may be taken before enrolling in this class.
Prison Epistles (Eph., Phil., Col. and Phile.) (136) This will be a textual study of these books.
Psalms (268) The Psalms are classified and studied with particular emphasis on their content, literary beauty, style, and Messianic import.
Revelation (259) A textual study will be made along with the different approaches to the book. Dates for writing will be examined.
Romans (261) This will be a textual study of this great epistle. The student is to see how the gospel is emphasized as the means of salvation.
Wisdom Literature (248) This is a textual study of Job, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Song of Solomon.
World Religions (275) In order to understand mankind, one needs to understand his religion. This course will examine some of the major religions. Missionaries especially will profit from this study. Each religion will be reviewed by the teaching of the Bible.
Additional classes may be offered at extension sites, however only the classes listed above are currently required for completion of the Bible Education Program.