Brian Kenyon

Featured image for ““Silence of Scripture” Exemplified From the Book of Hebrews”
May 03 2024

“Silence of Scripture” Exemplified From the Book of Hebrews

“Silence of the Scriptures” is a term used quite often in discussing Bible authority. What do people mean by that term? How does that term harmonize with biblical hermeneutics? In the previous issue of the Harvester, we examined major misunderstandings of how the Bible authorizes, including unscriptural views of “silence of the Scriptures.” In this article, we show examples from the Book of Hebrews of how “silence” was used and what the implications teach about authority from God.
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Featured image for “Considering Again Bible Authority And “Silence of the Scriptures””
May 02 2024

Considering Again Bible Authority And “Silence of the Scriptures”

“Silence of the Scriptures” is a term used quite often in discussing Bible authority. What do people mean by that term? How does that term harmonize with biblical hermeneutics? This article examines major misunderstandings of how the Bible authorizes, including unscriptural views of “silence of the Scriptures.” Understanding these views and their weaknesses will help us better know and appreciate how the Bible authorizes.
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Featured image for “Harvester May 2024: The Misson Field is Right Outside Our Door… And Everywhere!”
May 01 2024

Harvester May 2024: The Misson Field is Right Outside Our Door… And Everywhere!

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Featured image for “A Reasoned Hope: Firm unto the End”
Apr 26 2024

A Reasoned Hope: Firm unto the End

Unfortunately, depression and suicide and/or attempted suicide are increasing in society generally and even in the church particularly. For the January issue of the Harvester, we usually review the lectureship book. This year’s book had four chapters dealing with depression and suicide and how the church can help hurting families that are affected. All the excerpts from the book in this Harvester are from those four chapters and will give us great insight from a biblical perspective.
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Featured image for “Harvester April 2024: “Roberson Louissaint Graduates May 19!””
Apr 01 2024

Harvester April 2024: “Roberson Louissaint Graduates May 19!”

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Featured image for “Harvester March 2024: “Silence of Scripture” Exemplified From the Book of Hebrews”
Mar 01 2024

Harvester March 2024: “Silence of Scripture” Exemplified From the Book of Hebrews

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Featured image for “Harvester Feb 2024: Considering Again Bible Authority And “Silence of the Scriptures””
Feb 01 2024

Harvester Feb 2024: Considering Again Bible Authority And “Silence of the Scriptures”

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Featured image for “Complete in Christ”
Jan 26 2024

Complete in Christ

False teaching, like that experienced in first century Colosse, acts as if the Christ of the Bible is not enough to spiritually sustain people. Thus, false religion will come up with all kinds of rules and regulations while lessening true requirements of God to fill-in the alleged gaps. Paul addresses these doctrines, in part, by declaring each Christian is complete in Christ. This article will show why Christ makes us complete!
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Featured image for “Harvester Jan 2024: Book Review – A Reasoned Hope: Firm unto the EndFirm End”
Jan 01 2024

Harvester Jan 2024: Book Review – A Reasoned Hope: Firm unto the EndFirm End

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Featured image for “Is the “Safest Thing” Really Scriptural? (Or Is It a Reflection of Brotherhood Politics, Leading to Binding What God Did Not?)”
Dec 13 2023

Is the “Safest Thing” Really Scriptural? (Or Is It a Reflection of Brotherhood Politics, Leading to Binding What God Did Not?)

Have you ever heard an eldership or preacher base a universal policy on “It’s the safest thing”? It might be whether to conduct the wedding ceremony of someone entering their second marriage, even though it is Scriptural, or perhaps not attending or allowing the building to be used for a wedding whose cultural practices (such as “jumping the broom” or a non-lascivious bride/daddy dance) are not like the cultural practices of a majority of the members. Are these “safest thing” policies really based on Scripture or are they an indication of people not studying the Bible for themselves and conforming to the doctrines of men rather than the oracles of God? This article will explore some of the issues and dangers involved in these “safest thing” policies.
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Featured image for “Harvester Dec 2023: Complete in Christ”
Dec 01 2023

Harvester Dec 2023: Complete in Christ

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Featured image for “Harvester Nov 2023: Is the “Safest Thing” Really Scriptural?”
Nov 01 2023

Harvester Nov 2023: Is the “Safest Thing” Really Scriptural?

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Featured image for “Harvester Oct 2023: Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted? Part Two”
Oct 01 2023

Harvester Oct 2023: Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted? Part Two

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Featured image for “Harvester Sept 2023: Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted?”
Sep 01 2023

Harvester Sept 2023: Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted?

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Featured image for “Harvester Aug 2023: Memories of Michael Elledge”
Aug 01 2023

Harvester Aug 2023: Memories of Michael Elledge

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Featured image for “Harvester July 2023: Scripture Meditation”
Jul 01 2023

Harvester July 2023: Scripture Meditation

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Featured image for “Harvester June 2023: Why Do Some Translations Have Jesus with a “Broken” Body?”
Jun 01 2023

Harvester June 2023: Why Do Some Translations Have Jesus with a “Broken” Body?

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Featured image for “Harvester May 2023: Six Steps for Minimizing Generational Friction”
May 01 2023

Harvester May 2023: Six Steps for Minimizing Generational Friction

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Featured image for “Harvester : March 2023 – Impartial or A “Face Looker” Part 1”
Apr 01 2023

Harvester : March 2023 – Impartial or A “Face Looker” Part 1

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Featured image for “Harvester April 2023: Trevor Dees to Graduate May 14, 2023”
Apr 01 2023

Harvester April 2023: Trevor Dees to Graduate May 14, 2023

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Featured image for “Harvester Feb 2023: Scriptural Use of Local Church Funds”
Feb 01 2023

Harvester Feb 2023: Scriptural Use of Local Church Funds

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Featured image for “Harvester Jan 2023: Rise of the Messianic Kingdom Rise Kingdom Preview of 2023 Lectureship Book”
Jan 01 2023

Harvester Jan 2023: Rise of the Messianic Kingdom Rise Kingdom Preview of 2023 Lectureship Book

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Featured image for “A Review of the Beals – Oliver Debate Homosexuality and Christianity”
Dec 14 2022

A Review of the Beals – Oliver Debate Homosexuality and Christianity

If Christians are not careful, they can be carried away into the errors of culture. The subject of homosexuality is one such area. While members of the church may not agree with the behavior, some will see nothing wrong with the “same sex attraction,” or desire, as long as those with such do not engage in the behavior. Is that okay according to Romans 1:26-27? This is but one of the “issues within the issue” addressed in the material covered by George F. Beals in his debate with Andy Oliver (of the United Methodist Church) over the morality of homosexual behavior. In this Harvester article is a brief review of the debate that took place October 27, 2022. A link is also provided so you can watch the debate yourself and make up your own mind.
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Featured image for “Harvester Dec 2022: A Review of the Beals-Oliver Debate   Homosexuality and Christianity”
Dec 01 2022

Harvester Dec 2022: A Review of the Beals-Oliver Debate Homosexuality and Christianity

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Featured image for “Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 3”
Nov 30 2022

Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 3

The term “Messiah” occurs only twice in the New Testament, and both times it contains a brief explanation of what it means.: “Messiah … which is translated, the Christ” (John 1:41), and “Messiah … who is called Christ” (John 4:25). There are good reasons for this as we have shown in this series of articles. The first part of this study examined Old Testament background of the term “Messiah” and how the expectations of “Messiah” changed during the intertestamental period. The second part of this study considered the term “Messiah” in the first century and how it was viewed when the “voice of one crying in the wilderness” broke that silence and what that means for us today. This concluding part examines what “Messiah” meant to the first century church and what it means for Christians today.
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Featured image for “Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 2”
Nov 02 2022

Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 2

Did you know the term “Messiah” is only found twice in the New Testament, and both times there is attached an explanation, “which is translated, the Christ” (John 1:41), and “who is called Christ” (John 4:25)? Why is that? In the first part of this study, consideration was given to some Od Testament background of the term “Messiah” and how the expectations of “Messiah” changed during the intertestamental period. The second part of this three-part series considers the term “Messiah” in the first century and how it was viewed when the “voice of one crying in the wilderness” broke that silence and what that means for us today.
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Featured image for “Harvester Nov 2022: Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 3”
Nov 01 2022

Harvester Nov 2022: Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 3

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Featured image for “Harvester Nov 2022: Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 3”
Nov 01 2022

Harvester Nov 2022: Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 3

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Featured image for “Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 1”
Oct 04 2022

Why Was Jesus Called the Christ? Part 1

Did you know the term “Messiah” is only found twice in the New Testament, and both times there is attached an explanation, “which is translated, the Christ” (John 1:41), and “who is called Christ” (John 4:25)? Why is that? This first of a two-part article will, among other things, explain why … but it is nothing new, a perfectly scriptural term hardly used because of its cultural corruption into a meaning that God never intended!
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Featured image for “Harvester Oct 2022:”
Oct 01 2022

Harvester Oct 2022:

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Featured image for “Harvester Sept 2022: Why Was JesusCalled the Christ? Part 1”
Sep 01 2022

Harvester Sept 2022: Why Was JesusCalled the Christ? Part 1

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Featured image for “Understanding Translation Essentials Should Reduce Controversy”
Aug 31 2022

Understanding Translation Essentials Should Reduce Controversy

Why do discussions about translations, especially when critical of the KJV, often become “fighting words”? Since when is a rational discussion about anything biblical among truth-seeking brethren off-limits? Why have churches split and preachers been hired or fired based on “KJV-only” teachings? This article seeks to lessen controversy and promote unity by addressing three essential things that all translations, biblical or secular, need. When these things are understood, the controversy should lessen. Much of why translations read differently is not “liberal versus conservative,” but what does the evidence support? May we always justify our conclusions based on sufficient evidence!
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Featured image for ““Rulers of the Gentiles” Are Not the Model for Local Churches”
Aug 02 2022

“Rulers of the Gentiles” Are Not the Model for Local Churches

Too many in the body of Christ, from leadership to new converts, think of the church as if it were a mere secular institution, a kingdom of the world, run by “rulers of the Gentiles.” This attitude shows in many ways, from the way they approach church assemblies to the way “business meetings” are conducted. This article will help us refocus on the spiritual nature of the church and its leaders.
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Featured image for “Harvester Aug 2022: Understanding Translation Essentials Should Reduce Controversy”
Aug 01 2022

Harvester Aug 2022: Understanding Translation Essentials Should Reduce Controversy

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Featured image for “Harvester July 2022: Rulers of the Gentiles Are Not the Model for Local Churches”
Jul 01 2022

Harvester July 2022: Rulers of the Gentiles Are Not the Model for Local Churches

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Featured image for “Harvester July 2022: Rulers of the Gentiles Are Not the Model for Local Churches”
Jul 01 2022

Harvester July 2022: Rulers of the Gentiles Are Not the Model for Local Churches

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Featured image for “Conception, Culture, and Christ’s Church”
Jun 20 2022

Conception, Culture, and Christ’s Church

Sometimes people who have only known their culture think it is the moral norm. Thus, any major change to that culture is taken as the end of civilization as they know it. Enter Roe v. Wade. What effect has it had on culture? What effect would its overturning have on culture? Regardless of the “cultural norm,” if God has determined something to be inherently sinful, no culture can make it morally acceptable!
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Featured image for “Harvester June 2022: Conception, Culture, and Christ’s Church”
Jun 01 2022

Harvester June 2022: Conception, Culture, and Christ’s Church

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Featured image for “Harvester June 2022: Conception, Culture, and Christ’s Church”
Jun 01 2022

Harvester June 2022: Conception, Culture, and Christ’s Church

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Featured image for “Which Divorce Does God Hate?”
May 26 2022

Which Divorce Does God Hate?

Over the last year, this writer has had several discussions with different brethren who were defending the position that God accepts remarriages that Jesus plainly calls adulterous (Mt. 19:9), as long as those marriages were entered before the couple became Christians. After all, they will say, God forgives sin when people are baptized into Christ. In these discussions, the people so arguing would say something like, “I can’t divorce her [the unscriptural wife] because God hates divorce, and I don’t want to do anything God hates.” Yes, the Bible indeed teaches that “He [God] hates divorce” (Mal. 2:16), but which divorce is it that He actually hates? God Hates Divorce From Scriptural Wives Malachi 2:16 is a passage that is twisted by those defending the position above. Malachi 2:10-16 deals with the corrupted family life of God’s remnant who returned to Palestine from captivity (cf. Ezr. 1:1-4; 7:1-10; Neh. 1:1–2:8). In this section of Malachi, the prophet identified two main reasons why their family life was corrupted. First, their family life had been corrupted by their religiously mixed-marriages (Mal. 2:10-12). Intermarriage with those of the surrounding nations was expressly forbidden under Israel’s law (Ex. 34:16; Deut. 7:3). Solomon’s violation of this law several hundred years prior to this time greatly contributed to Israel’s apostasy (1 Kgs. 11:1-13; Neh. 13:23-27). Since idolatry led to the Exile (cf. Hos. 7:8-10; 13:2), it should have been unthinkable for God’s remnant to tolerate this kind of apostasy again. Malachi reminded them that their common
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Featured image for “Free Slaves Liberating Captive Souls”
May 26 2022

Free Slaves Liberating Captive Souls

Prior to becoming Christians, we were enslaved to sin. Now, we are free! From this setting of freedom, we must seek to liberate others captivated by sin!
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Featured image for “Harvester May 2022: Which Divorce Does God Hate?”
May 01 2022

Harvester May 2022: Which Divorce Does God Hate?

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Featured image for “Harvester May 2022: Which Divorce Does God Hate?”
May 01 2022

Harvester May 2022: Which Divorce Does God Hate?

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Featured image for “Harvester April 2022: Two Students Graduating May 15, 2022”
Apr 01 2022

Harvester April 2022: Two Students Graduating May 15, 2022

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Featured image for “Harvester March 2022: What Do You Think You Know About FSOP?”
Mar 01 2022

Harvester March 2022: What Do You Think You Know About FSOP?

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Featured image for “Harvester Feb 2022: Evidence for the Empty Tomb”
Feb 01 2022

Harvester Feb 2022: Evidence for the Empty Tomb

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Featured image for “Harvester Jan 2022: Should the Covid-19 Vaccination Be a Test of Fellowship?”
Jan 01 2022

Harvester Jan 2022: Should the Covid-19 Vaccination Be a Test of Fellowship?

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Featured image for “Harvester Dec 2021:”
Dec 01 2021

Harvester Dec 2021:

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Featured image for “Harvester Nov 2021: Jonathan Singh to Graduate”
Nov 01 2021

Harvester Nov 2021: Jonathan Singh to Graduate

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Featured image for “Harvester Oct 2021: Thy Kingdom Come Popular View Leads To False Conclusions”
Oct 01 2021

Harvester Oct 2021: Thy Kingdom Come Popular View Leads To False Conclusions

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Brian Kenyon