Oct 31 2023
Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted? Part Two
In this second part of “Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted?,” Vince continues to set forth evidence and reasoned conclusions as to why we can trust the Gospels as accurate and historically reliable. Jesus is exactly whom He said He was!
Oct 14 2023
Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted? Part One
The historical accuracy of the Bible has been the scrutiny of many critics for centuries, especially as it relates to the life of Jesus. This article, the first of two parts, gives further proof and insight as to why we can trust the Gospels’ historical accuracy. Nothing else compares in the magnitude of evidence for the accuracy of the New Testament!
Sep 07 2023
Memories of Michael Elledge
Michael Elledge
July 1, 1960 – August 27, 2023
Sep 07 2023
Faithful Christians Are “More Than Conquerors”
As Paul concluded Romans 8, he asked, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (Rom. 8:37). The apostle made clear that no physical adversity can separate us from Christ’s love. Paul listed (1) “tribulation,” which is trouble, hard circumstances, suffering (Rom. 2:9; 5:3; 12:12; 1 Cor. 7:28); (2) “distress [anguish, ASV],” which is difficulty, trouble (Rom. 2:9; 2 Cor. 6:4; 12:10); (3) “persecution,” which is being “hunted down” for following God (Mt. 13:21; Acts 8:1); (4) “famine,” which is hunger (2 Cor. 11:27); (5) “nakedness,” which is without sufficient clothing, poverty (2 Cor. 11:27; Rev. 3:18); (6) “peril [danger, ESV]” (2 Cor. 11:26); and (7) “sword,” which is a literal sword, but can also be used figuratively for war, violent death, execution (Mt. 10:34; Lk. 21:24; Acts 12:2; Rom. 13:4; Heb. 11:34, 37). Paul experienced all of these (2 Cor. 4:8-12; 11:23-29). Physical adversity has always been the lot of those who follow God (Rom. 8:36 cf. Ps. 44:22). Suffering is a sign not of failure but of God’s will (Mt. 5:10-12; Jn. 15:18-20; Acts 14:22; 2 Tim. 3:12). Over all these, God makes us “super-conquerors” (Rom. 8:37)! Paul, by the Holy Spirit, invented this word, by taking the word for “conquer” and adding the prefix “hyper.” Thus, Paul taught Christians, through Christ’s love, are “hyper-conquerors,” or “we overwhelmingly conquer” (NAS95). Victory takes place through suffering, not apart from it, and God even works through harsh realities (cf. Rom. 8:28). The victory comes not in escaping suffering or
Sep 07 2023
By God’s grace, we started our 55th school year August 7, 2023! This would not be possible without your supporting us as you have since our very first semester began September 5, 1969. We know there are others, like ourselves, who understand people are separated from God because of sin (Isa. 59:1-2), that Christ’s blood is the only thing that can take away sin (Rev. 1:5), that obedience to the gospel is the only way to contact Christ’s blood (Rom. 6:3-4), and that getting the good news into the world is the only way people can be reconciled to God (Mk. 16:15-16 cf. 2 Cor. 5:17-21). Our mission is to train men from the Bible to be preachers of sound doctrine in order to strengthen the church and to reach the lost. Thanks for being “fellow workers for the truth” (3 Jn. 8)! —Brian
Aug 28 2023
Among the very basic prerequisites for spiritual growth is meditation on Scripture. This article will show the need and the fruit of meditating on God’s word!
Jul 27 2023
Why Do Some Translations Have Jesus with a “Broken” Body?
Have you ever wondered why, if not a bone of Jesus would be broken (John 19:36), some brothers will constantly mention the “broken body” of Jesus when presiding over the Lord’s supper? Why do some translations contain the word “broken” in Paul’s explanation of the Lords supper and some do not (1 Cor. 11:24)? The answer may surprise you. This article contains a simplified version of the answer.
May 30 2023
Six Steps for Minimizing Generational Friction
We have reached a crucial time of conflict, culturally speaking! Not only as it relates to the church versus the world, but, even more significantly, there is conflict among some congregations within themselves. Much of this stems from generational tensions that view Scripturally optional matters in different ways. Some seem bound by traditions no matter the cost, while others seem to automatically discard traditions for no other reason than that they are “old.” This article focuses on resolving the generational tensions so the local church can maximize its influence for good within itself and among its outside community.
May 03 2023
Impartial or a “Face Looker”? (Part 2)
For people not familiar with the King James Version, the term “respect of persons” will probably be misunderstood. Yet this is a very important concept we MUST understand and apply! In Part 1 of this study, we examined the meaning of the term in its Old Testament background. In this article (Part 2), we examine occurrences of “respect of persons” in the New Testament and how those apply to the Christian’s daily living.
Apr 18 2023
Impartial or a “Face Looker”? (Part 1)
If you are not familiar with the King James Version, the term “respect of persons” will probably be misunderstood, yet this is a very important concept we MUST understand and apply! In this article, we will explore the meaning of the term in it’s Old Testament background so we can better understand its relevance and why Christians must possess this character trait under the New Testament!
Apr 18 2023
Scriptural Use of Local Church Funds
For what things has God authorized local church funds to be used? This question is important and has been the subject of unnecessary divisions in the Lord’s church. This article will give principles from Galatians 6:6-10 that, when applied, should help us to understand God’s will and be more united in the expedient use of local church funds.
Feb 17 2023
Rise of the Messianic Kingdom, A Preview of Our 2023 Lectureship Book
What a wonderful 48th annual lectureship, “Rise of the Messianic Kingdom”! Thanks to all who participated in-person and online! In this Harvester is a review of the lectureship book.
“Rise of the Messianic Kingdom” is a study on the Book of Acts as fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies to Israel concerning the Messianic kingdom. An added bonus to this year’s book is much material on the Holy Spirit, truths that many, even among brethren, have not heard because of “theology bias” and/or censorship. Make sure to order your book today!
Dec 12 2022
SPRING 2023 Registration is now Open
Subject: Registration is now Open Registration is now open for the Spring 2023 Semester. Visit {school site link} to view the schedule of classes and Register.
Jan 01 1997
Serving as an Agent of the Civil State
Title: Serving as an Agent of the Civil StateArtist: Richardson, UlyssesAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-31Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
When Foundations Are Destroyed They Thwart World Evangelism
Title: When Foundations Are Destroyed They Thwart World EvangelismArtist: Dickinson, GuyAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-29Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
How May The Church Assist Dysfunctional Families
Title: How May the Church Assist Dysfunctional FamiliesArtist: Dicks, RoyAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-27Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
The Obligation of the Church to Develop Congregations
Title: The Obligation of the Church to Develop CongregationsArtist: Wheeler, DanAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-26Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Following Social Fads Rather Than Divine Principles
Title: Following Social Fads Rather Than Divine PrinciplesArtist: Worndle, JoeAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-25Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
The King of Kings and Civil Government
Title: The King of Kings and Civil GovernmentArtist: Harmon, GregAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-23Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Devoted Service Is the Key To Self
Title: Devoted Service Is the Key to SelfArtist: Slayden, WalterAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-22Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
The Obligation of the Church to Support Faithful Preachers
Title: The Obligation of the Church to Support Faithful PreachersArtist: Nichols, FlavilAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-20Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Restoration Fellowship and Bible Based Fellowship
Title: “Restoration Fellowship” and Bible Based FellowshipArtist: Smith, BernardAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-17Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Why Are There Violent Children in Our Society
Title: Why Are There Violent Children in Our SocietyArtist: Dicks, RoyAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-14Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Forced To Obey God Rather Than The Civil State
Title: Forced To Obey God Rather Than The Civil StateArtist: Sain, RichardAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-13Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Religious Division Destroys the Foundation of the Church
Title: Religious Division Destroys the Foundation of the ChurchArtist: Clemons, RobertAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-12Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
The True Foundation For The Home, Civil State and Church
Title: The True Foundation For The Home, Civil State and ChurchArtist: Davis, DerrelAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-09Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Joseph in Potiphar’s House
Title: Joseph in Potiphar’s HouseArtist: Winkler, WendellAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-06Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
The Obligation To Support Faithful Preachers
Title: The Obligation To Support Faithful PreachersArtist: Nichols, FlavilAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-05Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Title: The Church and the HomeArtist: Winkler, WendellAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-04Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Confusion Over the Authority of Elders
Title: Confusion Over the Authority of EldersArtist: Meador, JosephAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-03Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
Foundation Principles for The Home
Title: Foundation Principles for the HomeArtist: Roney, SamuelAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-02Genre: Lectureship
Jan 01 1997
If The Foundations Be Destroyed, Who Will Care For The Helpless, Orphan, Aged, Needy
Title: If the Foundations Be Destroyed, Who Will Care for the Helpless, Orphan, Aged, NeedyArtist: Gossett, J. KennethAlbum: 1997 Florida School of Preaching LectureshipYear: 1997Track: 97-01Genre: Lectureship