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2015 Do You Understand Jesus’ Sermon on The Mount?
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Audio MP3 Lessons
Jesus’ View of Truth (Tom Holland)
The Authority of Christ (Melvin Otey)
The Wise and Foolish Builders (Kyle Smith)
Q & A Forum: Doing Unto Others
Practicing the Golden Rule (Ben Radford)
Race Relations in the Restoration Movement (Bruce Daugherty)
Was There Racism in the Bible (Larry Williams)
Proper Judgment Requirements (Melvin Otey)
Lax Judgment Prohibited (Sam Willcut)
Condemnatory Judgment (Glen Willcut)
God’s Standard of Judgment (Terry Frizzell)
The Strait Gate and Narrow Way (Creston Frizzell)
Q & A Forum: Righteous Religion
Fasting (Jeff Sole)
Praying (Eric Dawkins)
Rendering Benevolence (Mt. 6:1-4) (Sam Willcut)
The Value of Heavenly Treasures (Jimmy Clark)
OT Tithing Versus NT Giving (David South)
How Social Should the Gospel Be? (Jack Pinckert)
Jesus’ Warning Against False Teachers (Jimmy Clark)
Jesus’ Teaching About Love (Rick Evans)
Q & A Forum: Marital Matters
Divorce and Remarriage (Brian R. Kenyon)
What Deuteronomy 24:1-4 Actually Teaches (Dewayne Bryant)
Adultery (George Beals)
The Providence of God (Tom Holland)
No Need to Worry (Kevin Patterson)
Completely Focusing on the Lord (Kory Berry)
The Character of the Kingdom’s Affect on Others (Michael Shepherd)
Jesus’ Relationship to the Law (Darrin Morehouse)
Q & A Forum: Relationship Regulations
Personal Retaliation (Robert Williams)
Making Oaths (Making Oaths)
Murder (Steve Walling)
Character of the Kingdom (Stephen Atnip)
Historical Background of the Sermon (Stephen Atnip)
When He Was Set – Who Is Jesus? (Jackie Stearsman)
Suppressing the Truth (Rom. 1:18-20) (Charles Broyles)
What Is Truth and Can We Know It? (Jackie Stearsman)
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