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Audio MP3 Lessons

Featured image for “Pornography (Jack Wilkie)”

Pornography (Jack Wilkie)

Featured image for “Christ: The Pattern for the Home (Brian Kenyon)”

Christ: The Pattern for the Home (Brian Kenyon)

Featured image for “Is the Lord Building Your House? (Hiram Kemp)”

Is the Lord Building Your House? (Hiram Kemp)

Featured image for “Q & A on Forum: Challenging Situations”

Q & A on Forum: Challenging Situations

Featured image for “Culturally Mixed Marriages (Phillip Vanwinkle)”

Culturally Mixed Marriages (Phillip Vanwinkle)

Featured image for “Single Parent Homes (John Lewis)”

Single Parent Homes (John Lewis)

Featured image for “Inner City Families (Rico Brown)”

Inner City Families (Rico Brown)

Featured image for “Biblical Principles on Training Children (Bob Bauer)”

Biblical Principles on Training Children (Bob Bauer)

Featured image for “Turning Trials to Triumphs (Brian Kenyon)”

Turning Trials to Triumphs (Brian Kenyon)

Featured image for “Surviving Widowhood (Dean Miller)”

Surviving Widowhood (Dean Miller)

Featured image for “When and Why Some Fathers Fail (Terrance Brownlow-Dindy)”

When and Why Some Fathers Fail (Terrance Brownlow-Dindy)

Featured image for “Traits of a Successful Father (Christian Torres)”

Traits of a Successful Father (Christian Torres)

Featured image for “Q & A on Forum: Home Wreckers”

Q & A on Forum: Home Wreckers

Featured image for “Selfishness (Chad Tagtow)”

Selfishness (Chad Tagtow)

Featured image for “Divorce (David Stearsman)”

Divorce (David Stearsman)

Featured image for “How the Love of Money Impacts the Home (Jimmy Clark)”

How the Love of Money Impacts the Home (Jimmy Clark)

Featured image for “Reeling in Rebellion (Hiram Kemp)”

Reeling in Rebellion (Hiram Kemp)

Featured image for “Sustaining Faith Through Unexpected Death (Rick Kenyon)”

Sustaining Faith Through Unexpected Death (Rick Kenyon)

Featured image for “How Husbands Must Live with Their Wives (Jimmy Clark)”

How Husbands Must Live with Their Wives (Jimmy Clark)

Featured image for “Role of Husbands (Bruce Harris)”

Role of Husbands (Bruce Harris)

Featured image for “Q & A on Forum: Extra Effort Families”

Q & A on Forum: Extra Effort Families

Featured image for “Rearing Children in Blended Families (Elvis Galbreath)”

Rearing Children in Blended Families (Elvis Galbreath)

Featured image for “Making Strides with Steps (Teral Walker)”

Making Strides with Steps (Teral Walker)

Featured image for “Special Needs Children (Ben Frock)”

Special Needs Children (Ben Frock)

Featured image for “Dealing with Adultery (Logan Summers)”

Dealing with Adultery (Logan Summers)

Featured image for “Harmonizing the Home (Jerry Martin)”

Harmonizing the Home (Jerry Martin)

Featured image for “Breakdown of the Home’s Effect on Society (Jason Hendrix)”

Breakdown of the Home’s Effect on Society (Jason Hendrix)

Featured image for “Role of Wives (Troy Postlethwait)”

Role of Wives (Troy Postlethwait)

Featured image for “Q & A on Forum: Young People and Family”

Q & A on Forum: Young People and Family

Featured image for “Why Abimelech Could Not Have Her (Hiram Kemp)”

Why Abimelech Could Not Have Her (Hiram Kemp)

Featured image for “What to Look for in a Spouse (Ty Rhymes)”

What to Look for in a Spouse (Ty Rhymes)

Featured image for “Being a Christian in a Non-Christian Home (Forest Antemesaris)”

Being a Christian in a Non-Christian Home (Forest Antemesaris)

Featured image for “Does Old Testament Polygamy Justify Polygamy Today? (Daniel Stearsman) (Daniel Stearsman)”

Does Old Testament Polygamy Justify Polygamy Today? (Daniel Stearsman) (Daniel Stearsman)

Featured image for “Blended Families: Different from the Start, Same in the End (Jerry Martin)”

Blended Families: Different from the Start, Same in the End (Jerry Martin)

Featured image for “Wives Married to Non-Christians (B.J. Clarke)”

Wives Married to Non-Christians (B.J. Clarke)

Featured image for “Family Beginnings (Stephen Atnip)”

Family Beginnings (Stephen Atnip)

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Lectureship Videos

Featured image for “The Pattern for the Home (Brian Kenyon)”

The Pattern for the Home (Brian Kenyon)

Featured image for “Is the Lord Building Your House? (Hiram Kemp)”

Is the Lord Building Your House? (Hiram Kemp)

Featured image for “Traits of a Successful Father (Christian Torres)”

Traits of a Successful Father (Christian Torres)

Featured image for “Why Some Fathers Fail (Terrance Brownlow-Dindy)”

Why Some Fathers Fail (Terrance Brownlow-Dindy)

Featured image for “Surviving Widowhood (Dean Miller)”

Surviving Widowhood (Dean Miller)

Featured image for “Turning Trials to Triumphs (Brian Kenyon)”

Turning Trials to Triumphs (Brian Kenyon)

Featured image for “Biblical Principles on Training Children (Bob Bauer)”

Biblical Principles on Training Children (Bob Bauer)

Featured image for “Inner City Families (Rico Brown)”

Inner City Families (Rico Brown)

Featured image for “Single Parent Homes (John Lewis)”

Single Parent Homes (John Lewis)

Featured image for “Culturally Mixed Marriages (Phillip Vanwinkle)”

Culturally Mixed Marriages (Phillip Vanwinkle)

Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Challenged Families (Rico Brown, John Lewis, Phillip Vanwinkle)”

Q & A Forum: Challenged Families (Rico Brown, John Lewis, Phillip Vanwinkle)

Featured image for “Husbands Living with Their Wives – 1 Pet. 3:7 (Jimmy Clark)”

Husbands Living with Their Wives – 1 Pet. 3:7 (Jimmy Clark)

Featured image for “Sustaining Faith Through Unexpected Loss (Rick Kenyon)”

Sustaining Faith Through Unexpected Loss (Rick Kenyon)

Featured image for “Reeling in Rebellion (Hiram Kemp)”

Reeling in Rebellion (Hiram Kemp)

Featured image for “How Love of Money Impacts the Home (Jimmy Clark)”

How Love of Money Impacts the Home (Jimmy Clark)

Featured image for ““Home Wreckers” 1:30 Divorce (David Stearsman) 2:00 Pornography (Jack Wilkie) 2:30 Selfishness (Chad Tagtow)”

“Home Wreckers” 1:30 Divorce (David Stearsman) 2:00 Pornography (Jack Wilkie) 2:30 Selfishness (Chad Tagtow)

Featured image for “Q & A Forum: “Home Wreckers” (David Stearsman, Jack Wilkie, Chad Tagtow )”

Q & A Forum: “Home Wreckers” (David Stearsman, Jack Wilkie, Chad Tagtow )

Featured image for “Biblical Role of Husbands -Eph. 5:25-31; Col. 3:19 (Bruce Harris)”

Biblical Role of Husbands -Eph. 5:25-31; Col. 3:19 (Bruce Harris)

Featured image for “Biblical Role of Wives – Eph. 5:22-24; Col. 3:18 – (Troy Postlethwait)”

Biblical Role of Wives – Eph. 5:22-24; Col. 3:18 – (Troy Postlethwait)

Featured image for “Wives Married to Non-Christians – 1 Pet. 3: 1-6 (B.J. Clarke)”

Wives Married to Non-Christians – 1 Pet. 3: 1-6 (B.J. Clarke)

Featured image for “Breakdown of the Home’s Impact on Society (Jason Hendrix)”

Breakdown of the Home’s Impact on Society (Jason Hendrix)

Featured image for “Harmonizing the Home (Jerry Martin)”

Harmonizing the Home (Jerry Martin)

Featured image for “Dealing with Adultery (Logan Summers)”

Dealing with Adultery (Logan Summers)

Featured image for “Special Needs Children (Ben Frock)”

Special Needs Children (Ben Frock)

Featured image for “Making Strides with “Steps” (Teral Walker)”

Making Strides with “Steps” (Teral Walker)

Featured image for “Rearing Children in Blended Families (Elvis Galbreath)”

Rearing Children in Blended Families (Elvis Galbreath)

Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Extra Effort Families (Ben Frock, Teral Walker, Elvis Galbreath)”

Q & A Forum: Extra Effort Families (Ben Frock, Teral Walker, Elvis Galbreath)

Featured image for “Blended Families: Different from the Start (Jerry Martin)”

Blended Families: Different from the Start (Jerry Martin)

Featured image for “Does OT Polygamy Justify It Today? (Daniel Stearsman)”

Does OT Polygamy Justify It Today? (Daniel Stearsman)

Featured image for “A Christian in A Non-Christian Home (Forest Antemesaris)”

A Christian in A Non-Christian Home (Forest Antemesaris)

Featured image for “What to Look for in a Spouse (Ty Rhymes)”

What to Look for in a Spouse (Ty Rhymes)

Featured image for “Why Abimelech Could Not Have Sarah – Genesis 20  (Hiram Kemp)”

Why Abimelech Could Not Have Sarah – Genesis 20 (Hiram Kemp)

Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Young People and Family (Forest Antemesaris, Ty Rhymes, Hiram Kemp)”

Q & A Forum: Young People and Family (Forest Antemesaris, Ty Rhymes, Hiram Kemp)

Family Beginning (Gen. 2:18-25) (Stephen Atnip)