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2020 The Promise of Redemption
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Audio MP3 Lessons

Mary, Elizabeth, and Redemption – Ladies Lesson (Hannah Giselbach)

Rahab and Redemption – Ladies Lesson (Hannah Giselbach)

Eve and Redemption – Ladies Lesson (Shenia Brownlow-Dindy)

Victorious Redemption (Melvin Otey)

Great Redemption Texts: Heb. 9:13-15 (Hiram Kemp)

Q & A on Forum: TULIP’s Twist of Redemption

Perseverance of the Saints (George Beals)

Limited Atonement (C. J. Grimes)

Total Hereditary Depravity (Ben Giselbach)

Redemption Events: Christ’s Crucifixion (Melvin Otey)

Connecting Redemption and Christian Edification (Allen Webster)

Connecting Redemption and Personal Evangelism (Wade Webster)

Rejecting Redemption (Ty Rhymes)

Great Redemption Texts: 2 Co. 5:17-21 (Ben Radford, Sr.)

Q & A on Forum: Metaphors of Redemption

Adoption: Acceptance as Family (Chris Kidwell)

Forgiveness: Removal of Sin’s Debt (Brian R. Kenyon)

Justification: Acquittal from Sin (Daniel Stearsman)

Redemption Events: Israel’s Captivity and Return (Jimmy Clark)

Substitutionary Atonement (Chad Tagtow)

Types of Redemption in Genesis (Tim Kidwell)

The Redemption of the Body (Jimmy Clark)

Great Redemption Texts: Isaiah 53 (Rico Brown)

Q & A on Forum: Deity’s Role in Redemption

The Holy Spirit’s Role (David Stearsman)

The Son’s Role (Scott Pfettscher)

The Father’s Role (John Allan)

Old Testament Sacrifices and Redemption (Brooks Boyd)

Why Is Blood Required? (Stephen Atnip)

Christ: Manifestation of Redemption (Brian R. Kenyon)

Great Redemption Texts: Psalm 22 (David Myers)

Q & A on Forum: Rooted in Redemption

Protecting Self from Believing in Vain (Hiram Kemp)

The What, Why, and How of Redeeming the Time (Forest Antemesaris)

Implications of Being Bought with a Price (Thomas Wise)

Redemption Events: The Flood (Sam Willcut)

The Curse of Sin (Terrance Brownlow – Dindy)

The Concept of Redemption (Will Hanstein)
(Watch for Free)
Lectureship Videos

Great Redemption Texts: Hebrews 9:13-15

Perseverance of the Saints

Connecting Redemption & Evangelism

Connecting Redemption & Edification

Redemptive Events: Christ’s Crucifixion

Total Hereditary Depravity

Limited Atonement

Q & A Forum: TULIP’s Twist of Redemption

Great Redemption Texts: 2 Cor. 5:17-21

Rejecting Redemption

Great Redemption Texts: Isaiah 53

The “Redemption of the Body”

Types of Redemption in Genesis

Substitutionary Atonement

Redemptive Events: Israel’s Captivity & Return (Jimmy Clark)

Justification: Acquittal from Sin (Daniel Stearsman)
Forgiveness: Removal of Sin’s Debt (Brian Kenyon)

Adoption: Acceptance as Family (Chris Kidwell)

Q & A Forum: Metaphors of Redemption (Daniel Stearsman, Brian Kenyon, Chris Kidwell)

Redemptive Events: The Exodus (Hiram Kemp)

The Father’s Role (John Allan)

The Son’s Role (Scott Pfettscher)

The Holy Spirit’s Role (David Stearsman)

Q & A Forum: Deity’s Role in Redemption (John Allan, Scott Pfettscher, David Stearsman)

Great Redemption Texts: Psalm 22 (David Myers)

Christ: Manifestation of Redemption (Brian Kenyon)

Why Is Blood Required? (Stephen Atnip)

OT Sacrifices and Redemption (Brooks Boyd)

The Concept of Redemption (Will Hanstein)

The Curse of Sin (Terrance Brownlow-Dindy)

Redemptive Events: The Flood (Sam Willcut)

Implications of Being “Bought with A Price” (Thomas Wise)

“Redeeming the Time” (Forest S. Antemesaris)

Protecting Self from Believing in Vain (Hiram Kemp)