Before Sin Entered the World (Doug Burleson)
The Devil and His Work (Jackie Stearsman)
The Effects of the First Sin (Russ Crosswhite)
Peer Influence (Thomas Wise)
Wisdom on WiFi (Forest Antemesaris)
Defeating Worldliness (Hiram Kemp)
Q & A Forum: Young People and Overcoming Sin
The Anatomy of Sin (Will Vann)
The Promised Savior (Paul Sain)
The Old Testament Sacrificial System (David Stearsman)
The Day of Atonement (Yom Kipper) (Stephen Atnip)
Sin and the Antediluvian World (Rick Kenyon)
Eli: Failures in Parenting Lead to Sin (Jon Podein)
Sin in David’s Family (Mike Elledge)
Breaking Sin’s Cycle in the Family (Brooks Boyd)
Q & A Forum: Families and Overcoming Sin
Sins of God’s People: Then and Now (Ben Radford)
Jesus’ Birth and Its Effect on Sin (Jimmy Clark)
Calvinism’s Influential View of Sin (Rick Kenyon)
Jeroboam’s Sinful System of Worship (David Dixon)
The Apostasy of Israel (Jimmy Clark)
Nadab and Abihu (Cameron Freeman)
When Gender Roles Go Too Far (Earl Edwards)
Evaluating Current Trends in Worship (Rico Brown)
Q & A Forum: Worship and Overcoming Sin
Repent and Be Baptized (Jeremy Padilla)
Jesus’ Life and Its Effect on Sin (Bill Davis)
Korah and His Cohorts (Cameron Freeman)
Dealing With Divisive Brethren (Bob Bauer)
Gentiles Condemned (Melvin Otey)
Between Individuals (Uleysses Richardson)
What About Congregational Sin? (Jackie Stearsman)
Withdrawing Fellowship (Tim Hayes)
Q & A Forum: Dealing with Sin
The Christian’s Relationship to Sin (Brian R. Kenyon)
Jesus’ Death: Reconciliation and Justification (Melvin Otey)
2016 – Do You Understand Sin?
Lectureship Books (Complete Set: 1994-current year + Harvesters) (PDF)