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Featured image for “Lectureship Books (Complete Set: 1994-current year + Harvesters) (PDF)”

Lectureship Books (Complete Set: 1994-current year + Harvesters) (PDF)


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Featured image for “2013 (Print) – Do You Understand Biblical Morality?”

2013 (Print) – Do You Understand Biblical Morality?


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Featured image for “Past-Time Porch (Tom Holland)”

Past-Time Porch (Tom Holland)


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Featured image for “Rewards Of Living A Biblically Moral Life (Melvin Otey)”

Rewards Of Living A Biblically Moral Life (Melvin Otey)


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Featured image for “Fear Of The Lord And Morality In Proverbs (Rick Kenyon)”

Fear Of The Lord And Morality In Proverbs (Rick Kenyon)


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Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Morality In Biomedical Issues”

Q & A Forum: Morality In Biomedical Issues


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Featured image for “When Do Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Become Immoral? (Brian R. Kenyon)”

When Do Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Become Immoral? (Brian R. Kenyon)


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Featured image for “Biblical Evaluation of Four Principles of Biomedical Ethics (Daniel Stearsman)”

Biblical Evaluation of Four Principles of Biomedical Ethics (Daniel Stearsman)


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Featured image for “End Of Life Decisions (Melvin Otey)”

End Of Life Decisions (Melvin Otey)


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Featured image for “Biblical Teaching On Birth Control	(Daniel Stearsman)”

Biblical Teaching On Birth Control (Daniel Stearsman)


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Featured image for “Abortion And Euthanasia (Ted Wheeler)”

Abortion And Euthanasia (Ted Wheeler)


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Featured image for “Moral Standards of Judgment (Willie Nettle)”

Moral Standards of Judgment (Willie Nettle)


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Featured image for “Avoiding The Works Of The Flesh (Jeffrey McNeal)”

Avoiding The Works Of The Flesh (Jeffrey McNeal)


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Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Morality In Preaching”

Q & A Forum: Morality In Preaching


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Featured image for “Preachers And Family Responsibilities (Nathan Kidwell)”

Preachers And Family Responsibilities (Nathan Kidwell)


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Featured image for “Preachers And Prejudice	(Uleysses Richardson)”

Preachers And Prejudice (Uleysses Richardson)


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Featured image for “Are Differences Of Opinion Immoral? (Heath Johnson)”

Are Differences Of Opinion Immoral? (Heath Johnson)


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Featured image for “Slavery In The Biblical World (Jimmy Clark)”

Slavery In The Biblical World (Jimmy Clark)


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Featured image for “Is Civil Disobedience Ever Justified? (Bruce Daugherty)”

Is Civil Disobedience Ever Justified? (Bruce Daugherty)


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Featured image for “What About Law Enforcement And War? (Will Vann)”

What About Law Enforcement And War? (Will Vann)


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Featured image for “Jesus And The Samaritan Woman (Jimmy Clark)”

Jesus And The Samaritan Woman (Jimmy Clark)


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Featured image for “Cultivating The Fruit Of The Spirit	(Wilken Roger)”

Cultivating The Fruit Of The Spirit (Wilken Roger)


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Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Morality In Marriage”

Q & A Forum: Morality In Marriage


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Featured image for “Submitting To Civil Law And Moral Law	(Nathan Franson)”

Submitting To Civil Law And Moral Law (Nathan Franson)


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Featured image for “Divorce And Remarriage (Johnie Scaggs, Jr.)”

Divorce And Remarriage (Johnie Scaggs, Jr.)


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Featured image for “Polygamy (Stephen Atnip)”

Polygamy (Stephen Atnip)


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Featured image for “Divorce In The Old Testament	 (David South)”

Divorce In The Old Testament (David South)


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Featured image for “The Law Written In Their Hearts (Jackie M. Stearsman)”

The Law Written In Their Hearts (Jackie M. Stearsman)


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Featured image for “Moral Implications of Romans 14 (George F. Beals)”

Moral Implications of Romans 14 (George F. Beals)


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Featured image for “Reconciling A Loving God With Eternal Punishment (Jackie Stearsman)”

Reconciling A Loving God With Eternal Punishment (Jackie Stearsman)


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Featured image for “Does The Existence of Evil Disprove God? (Thomas Wise)”

Does The Existence of Evil Disprove God? (Thomas Wise)


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Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Morality In Principle”

Q & A Forum: Morality In Principle


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Featured image for “Does Moral Neutrality Exist? (George Beals)”

Does Moral Neutrality Exist? (George Beals)


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Featured image for “Is The Conscience A Safe Guide? (David Stearsman)”

Is The Conscience A Safe Guide? (David Stearsman)


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Featured image for “Assessing The Command, Example, Necessary Inference Hermeneutic (George Beals)”

Assessing The Command, Example, Necessary Inference Hermeneutic (George Beals)


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Featured image for “The Supremacy of Biblical Ethics (Kyle Butt)”

The Supremacy of Biblical Ethics (Kyle Butt)


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Featured image for “Is There An Ultimate Moral Lawgiver? (Kyle Butt)”

Is There An Ultimate Moral Lawgiver? (Kyle Butt)


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(For Purchase)

Audio MP3 Lessons

Featured image for “Urgency of Kingdom Loyalty – Melvin Otey”

Urgency of Kingdom Loyalty – Melvin Otey

Featured image for “Finishing What Jesus Began – Hiram Kemp”

Finishing What Jesus Began – Hiram Kemp

Featured image for “Ladies Class: Euodia and Syntyche – Stephanie Kenyon”

Ladies Class: Euodia and Syntyche – Stephanie Kenyon

Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Kingdom Outreach”

Q & A Forum: Kingdom Outreach

Featured image for “Churches Planted by Paul – Casey Paulin”

Churches Planted by Paul – Casey Paulin

Featured image for “Adjusting the Evangelistic Approach for Different Cultures – Nate Miller”

Adjusting the Evangelistic Approach for Different Cultures – Nate Miller

Featured image for “Benevolence in the Local Church and Abroad – Charles Broyles”

Benevolence in the Local Church and Abroad – Charles Broyles

Featured image for “Three Baptisms Mentioned in Acts – Brian R. Kenyon”

Three Baptisms Mentioned in Acts – Brian R. Kenyon

Featured image for “Kingdom Faithfulness…To The Point of Death – Will Vann”

Kingdom Faithfulness…To The Point of Death – Will Vann

Featured image for “The Jerusalem Meeting in Acts 15 – John Allan”

The Jerusalem Meeting in Acts 15 – John Allan

Featured image for “The Voice of the Prophets in Paul’s Acts 13 Sermon – Hiram Kemp”

The Voice of the Prophets in Paul’s Acts 13 Sermon – Hiram Kemp

Featured image for “Kingdom Additions: Samaritans And The Sorcerer- Forest Antemesaris”

Kingdom Additions: Samaritans And The Sorcerer- Forest Antemesaris

Featured image for “Ladies Class: Lydia: The Kingdom is for Women Also – Dee Parramore”

Ladies Class: Lydia: The Kingdom is for Women Also – Dee Parramore

Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Holy Spirit’s Involvement”

Q & A Forum: Holy Spirit’s Involvement

Featured image for “Aiding and Determining the Kingdom’s Spread – David Stearsman”

Aiding and Determining the Kingdom’s Spread – David Stearsman

Featured image for “The Miraculous Within Providence: Eunuch – Steven Lloyd”

The Miraculous Within Providence: Eunuch – Steven Lloyd

Featured image for “Miraculous Spiritual Gifts – David Stearsman”

Miraculous Spiritual Gifts – David Stearsman

Featured image for “Harmony of Paul’s Conversion Accounts – Jimmy Clark”

Harmony of Paul’s Conversion Accounts – Jimmy Clark

Featured image for “Enthronement of the Messiah King – Vince Daugherty”

Enthronement of the Messiah King – Vince Daugherty

Featured image for “The Gift of the Holy Spirit – Stephen Atnip”

The Gift of the Holy Spirit – Stephen Atnip

Featured image for “Inauguration of the Kingdom to the Gentiles – Jimmy Clark”

Inauguration of the Kingdom to the Gentiles – Jimmy Clark

Featured image for “Kingdom Additions: Philippian Jailer – Al Woodard”

Kingdom Additions: Philippian Jailer – Al Woodard

Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Kingdom Challenges”

Q & A Forum: Kingdom Challenges

Featured image for “Overcome: Paul’s Shipwreck – Brian Howard”

Overcome: Paul’s Shipwreck – Brian Howard

Featured image for “From the Outside: Jew & Gentile Persecution – Rico Brown”

From the Outside: Jew & Gentile Persecution – Rico Brown

Featured image for “From The Inside: Unfaithful Members – Robert Lupo”

From The Inside: Unfaithful Members – Robert Lupo

Featured image for “Forgiveness As Fulfillment of the Promise to Abraham – Phil Sanders”

Forgiveness As Fulfillment of the Promise to Abraham – Phil Sanders

Featured image for “The Prophecy About The Messiah as Prophet – Jeff Jenkins”

The Prophecy About The Messiah as Prophet – Jeff Jenkins

Featured image for “Overview of the Spirit’s Work in Acts – Stephen Atnip”

Overview of the Spirit’s Work in Acts – Stephen Atnip

Featured image for “Inauguration of the Kingdom to Jews (Acts 2) – J. A. Jenkins”

Inauguration of the Kingdom to Jews (Acts 2) – J. A. Jenkins

Featured image for “Kingdom Additions: Athenians – Jonathan Singh”

Kingdom Additions: Athenians – Jonathan Singh

Featured image for “Ladies Class – Priscilla: Strengthening the Kingdom – Susan Stearsman”

Ladies Class – Priscilla: Strengthening the Kingdom – Susan Stearsman

Featured image for “Q & A Forum: Since You Have Been Raised”

Q & A Forum: Since You Have Been Raised

Featured image for “Representatives of the Kingdom – Hiram Kemp”

Representatives of the Kingdom – Hiram Kemp

Featured image for “Blessings of the Kingdom – Joshua Cantrell”

Blessings of the Kingdom – Joshua Cantrell

Featured image for “Terms of Entrance into the Kingdom – Forest Antemesaris”

Terms of Entrance into the Kingdom – Forest Antemesaris

Featured image for “Isaiah 2 and Daniel 2 Fulfilled in Acts 2 – Emanuel Daugherty”

Isaiah 2 and Daniel 2 Fulfilled in Acts 2 – Emanuel Daugherty

Featured image for “John the Baptizer’s Preparation for the Kingdom – Phil Sanders”

John the Baptizer’s Preparation for the Kingdom – Phil Sanders

Featured image for “Overview of the Messianic Kingdom in Luke – Bruce Daugherty”

Overview of the Messianic Kingdom in Luke – Bruce Daugherty

2023 Products