First Century Times or End Times? (Brian R. Kenyon)

End Times Preaching in the Book of Acts (Daniel Stearsman)

End Times Expectations in the Intertestamental Period (David Dixon)

Your Life Matters Now and Forever (Ty Rhymes)

Esau: Living for Now (Heb. 12:16) (Forest Antemesaris)

Moses: Living for Then (Heb. 11:26) (Hiram Kemp)

Q & A Forum: Live for Then, Not Now

Parable of the Virgins (Thomas Wise)

Jesus’ Authority to Judge (Jn. 5:25-30) (Sammy Jones)

End Times Teaching in Matthew 24 (Terrance Brownlow-Dindy)

Daniel’s Seventy Weeks (Dan. 9) (Emmanuel Daugherty)

End Times in the Book Hebrews (Steve Atnip)

Is the Shortened Time The End? (1 Cor. 7:29) (Earl Edwards)

When Does the OT End and the NT Begin? (George Beals)

What People Need to Know About the AD 70 Doctrine (David Hester)

Q & A Forum: Which End Is What?

Parable of the Talents (Byron Schulz)

Judgment Scene in Revelation 20:11-15 (Jimmy Clark)

End Times Teaching in Luke 21:5-36 (Bruce Daugherty)

Daniel’s Closing Revelations (Emmanuel Daugherty)

End Times in Second Thessalonians (Jimmy Clark)

Mormonism (Nathan Franson)

Jehovah’s Witness (Charles Broyles)

Q & A Forum: End Time Fables of False Religion

Parable of the Dragnet (David Stearsman)

In View of What Is to Come (Bill Davis)

End Times Teaching in 1 Cor. 15 (Earl Edwards)

Premillennialism and Its Variants (Walt Person)

The Living & the Dead at His Coming (Melvin Otey)

Political Leaders, the Mark of the Beast, and End Times (Bob Bauer)

The Holy City John Saw Coming Down (Sam Hester)

Q & A Forum: End Times and Revelation

Parable of the Tares (Hiram Kemp)

Being Children of the Day (Melvin Otey)

The Thousand Year Reign and Premillennialism (Daniel Cates)

2017 – Do You Understand the Biblical View of End Times?

Lectureship Books (Complete Set: 1994-current year + Harvesters) (PDF)