1997 FSOP Lectureship – If The Foundations Be Destroyed, What Can The Righteous Do?

Title: If the Foundations Be Destroyed, Who Will Care for the Helpless, Orphan, Aged, Needy
Artist: Gossett, J. Kenneth
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-01
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Foundation Principles for the Home
Artist: Roney, Samuel
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-02
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Confusion Over the Authority of Elders
Artist: Meador, Joseph
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-03
Genre: Lectureship

Title: The Church and the Home
Artist: Winkler, Wendell
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-04
Genre: Lectureship

Title: The Obligation To Support Faithful Preachers
Artist: Nichols, Flavil
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-05
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Joseph in Pothar’s House
Artist: Winkler, Wendell
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-06
Genre: Lectureship

Title: How May We Know Who Is a Christian?
Artist: Carlton, British
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-07
Genre: Lectureship

Title: The Obligation of the Church To Train Preachers
Artist: Carr, B. C.
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-08
Genre: Lectureship

Title: The True Foundation For The Home, Civil State and Church
Artist: Davis, Derrel
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-09
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Consequences Are Predictable When the Foundation of the Home Is Destroyed
Artist: Black, V. P.
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-10
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Autonomy of the Local Congregation
Artist: Woodson, William
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-11
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Religious Division Destroys the Foundation of the Church
Artist: Clemons, Robert
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-12
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Forced To Obey God Rather Than The Civil State
Artist: Sain, Richard
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-13
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Why Are There Violent Children in Our Society
Artist: Dicks, Roy
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-14
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Confusing The Subject of Worship
Artist: Kenyon, Brian
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-15
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Distinguishing Lines Must Be Recognized
Artist: Woodson, William
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-16
Genre: Lectureship

Title: “Restoration Fellowship” and Bible Based Fellowship
Artist: Smith, Bernard
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-17
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Consequences Are Predictable When The Foundation of the Home is Destroyed
Artist: Black, V. P.
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-18
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Unequal Yoke Between Church and State
Artist: Kenyon, Brian
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-19
Genre: Lectureship

Title: The Obligation of the Church to Support Faithful Preachers
Artist: Nichols, Flavil
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-20
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Confusion Over Service: Deacons and Women
Artist: Sain, Paul
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-21
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Devoted Service Is the Key to Self
Artist: Slayden, Walter
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-22
Genre: Lectureship

Title: The King of Kings and Civil Government
Artist: Harmon, Greg
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-23
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Making Shipwreck of the Faith
Artist: Clark, Jimmy
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-24
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Following Social Fads Rather Than Divine Principles
Artist: Worndle, Joe
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-25
Genre: Lectureship

Title: The Obligation of the Church to Develop Congregations
Artist: Wheeler, Dan
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-26
Genre: Lectureship

Title: How May the Church Assist Dysfunctional Families
Artist: Dicks, Roy
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-27
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Difficult Questions Related to Serving in the Civil Government
Artist: Hightower, Terry
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-28
Genre: Lectureship

Title: When Foundations Are Destroyed They Thwart World Evangelism
Artist: Dickinson, Guy
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-29
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Man Made Laws Destroy the Foundations of the Church
Artist: Clark, Jimmy
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-30
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Fellowship
Artist: Lambert, Billy
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-31
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Serving as an Agent of the Civil State
Artist: Richardson, Ulysses
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-31
Genre: Lectureship

Title: Removing The God Given Place of the Father and the Mother in the Home
Artist: Stearsman, Jackie
Album: 1997 Florida School of Preaching Lectureship
Year: 1997
Track: 97-32
Genre: Lectureship
